How to Get Rid of Body Acne

Some teens and adults get the added stress of body acne. Retention Hyperkeratosis, the root cause, is often the same as facial acne, but body acne almost ALWAYS requires a different combination of skincare than used for facial acne.  

The skin is our largest organ. It protects us from the outside plus filters both good and bad from the inside.

That’s why body acne also requires a bigger focus on diet/nutrition/supplements. To get more efficient results, it often requires working with a systemic specialist, such as Naturopath, Dietician, and/or Eastern Medicine Practitioner.

How Long Does it Take to Clear up Body Acne? 

Clearing up body acne requires having a consistent morning and evening routine at home, in addition to regular professional treatments for AT LEAST a 3-month period before seeing any significant results.

Our body acne recommendations are different based on the kind of body acne you have. 

If your body acne is inflamed, red, painful, and pustular:

  • Avoid friction with the skincare routine (no gritty cleansers, rough towels or loofahs
  • Don’t use dryer sheets (instead use dryer balls)
  • Change laundry detergent for all clothing, towels, sheets: “free and clear”, no dyes, no fragrance, try to find SLS Free detergents. 
  • Add nutritionally important supplements:
  • Omega 3’s, Probiotics, digestive enzymes, zinc (link to theLAB. Supplements)
  • Consider working with a naturopath to be focused on your specific needs to reduce inflammation 
  • Follow the Clear Skin Rules (link)
  • Add the strategy of active skincare over time
  • Maintain clear skin for the year(s) ahead

If your body acne is non-inflamed, made up of blackheads and build-up: 

Follow all the same points above but this type of acne does benefit from some additional friction during the cleansing process and a different combination of skincare products to be used 2x/day.

Clear Up Body Acne

Remedies for body acne take time, so you want to make sure you use the right products AND use them in the right way. 

Schedule a New Client Consultation to get an acne strategy that is right for you.

Learn More

Visit more of our acne resources pages: 

What is Acne | Blackheads & Whiteheads | Combination Acne | Acne Facials | Hyperpigmentation & Acne Scars | Cystic Acne

How to Get Rid of Body Acne