Body Acne

The skin is our largest organ. It protects us from the outside plus filters both good and bad from the inside.

Some clients get the added stress of body acne. Retention Hyperkeratosis, the root cause, is often the same as facial acne, but almost ALWAYS requires the right combination of skincare products AND Systemic Specialist Support via a Naturopath, Dietician, and/or Eastern Medicine Practitioner.

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Treatment for body acne means having a consistent morning and evening home care routine in addition to regular professional treatments for AT LEAST a 3-month period before seeing any significant results.

If your body acne is inflamed, red, painful and pustular….
You need less aggressive exfoliation (at least initially) with a focus on skin care products.  

If your body acne is non-inflamed, made up of blackheads and build-up….
You need more exfoliation and less product intervention. In addition to the proper exfoliating serum, cleansing twice a day with an exfoliating cleanser is needed to smooth the bumpy texture to loosen the build-up.

Remedies for body acne take time, so you want to make sure you are using the right products used in the right way, to treat your body acne.